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The Battle of Inotia, also known to most Humans as The Stand at Inotia, was the last major Orbital Engagement in Space that took place during the R.F.F.S.7. advance on Earth in the year 2164's Fall between the United Earth Republic andR.F.F.S.7. during the Galactic War's Second Era. 

This Battle would mark the first time in history that a Human power would launch a full Nuclear holocaust against the R.F.F.S.7. Naval power in hopes of finally stopping the R.F.F.S.7. fleet, and have them withdraw from the sector. This event failed however due to powerful shielding technology that the R.F.F.S.7. possesed, and allowed the main force to smash through what was left of the United Earth Republic forces.

Upon the defeat at Inotia including the failure of a large Nuclear Holocaust Earth began to fortify itself planet wide in order to prepare for an Invasion that was surely to come at anytime in the year 2165.
